Sunday, June 28, 2009


And the winner for the most
favorited chocolate is:
(Drum Roll Please)
bum bum bum thebum bum bam bam....
I will be fixing the poll again today. ( I hope)


I don't know if you guys have heard this.
But there was this dude that was about to graduate.
And when he was called up in the stage to get his diploma.
He blew a kiss to his family.
And the school won't let him graduate.
Strict huh???
Anyways i'm really bored so:
try to say this 5 times really fast: Carl's new junior portabello mushroom burger Without stuterring or messing up.
BTW this is froma guy in youtube called Nigahiga.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Hey guys!

Sorry for not making a blog for a long time.

I was in New York for a few days with Artsy...which was awesome!

Suprisingly it was really cold there...

I packed shorts and spaghetti straps only. :(

These are the stuff we did:

1. Rode the boat called, Maid of the Mist.

2. Watched a movie about Niagara Falls.

3. Rode a trolley, the tour person had a really wierd voice!!!

4. Went to cave of the winds.

5. Went to souvenier shops!

6. Order room service

7. and finally swim!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Niagara Falls!!!

Hey peoples!!
Well tonight I will be traveling to
New York for Niagara Falls,
with Artsy!
I am so excited and sooooooooooo tired.
Today I went to beech bend park with Artsy and me family!
It was so fun and also tiring.
Well bye!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Interview with Artsy....

Hey everybody! Today i'm going to be interviewing
Me: What do you do for a living?
Artsy: I work at Dahji with you and our siblings remember? We have $30 in our buisness.
Me: If you could chose what is your favorite movie?
Artsy: Definatley, Twilight!
Me: You're stranded in an island, what three things would you have with you??
Artsy: Your Sister, Life time supply of poppsicles, water
Me: What is the most funniest thing my sister did??
Artsy: I can't answer that because Im mad at her for putting her stinky butterscotch breath on me!
Me: One word to describe your brother.
Artsy: Characteristic
Buh Bye now! Check out artsyaligator's blog!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Didn't want to lose it!


sorry i didn't want to lose these really cool symbols!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I'm going to interview my sister.
Me: What is your all time fave book?
Sis: What's that mean??....
Me: It means that what is your favorite story.
Sis: ohhhh...ok...ummm..hehe..uhhhh.
Me: JUST ANSWER IT! is..If you give a pig a pancake.
Me: FINALLY!...What is your favorite color?
Me:ok...what is your fave song?
Sis: MMMMMM....uhhh i dont really know.
Me: What! This is the worst interview!
Sis: HEHEHE! ok geez
Me: ok...can you answer the question now?
Sis: No, i'm too hungry.
Me: Well That's all for now, see you next time when I interview Artsy!

Sunday, June 07, 2009


Hey everyone!
Yesterday I had to
buy a new dress for my piano recital.
That's right I have a piano recital. :(
Just to say I dislike piano, not hate dislike.
Well I got a new dress from Aeropostale, and new shoes from payless!!
Sorry I couldn't put up a pic.
but the dress is pinkish and plaid.
the shoes is white sandals with peace signs!!
Im so excited to wear it!!

Thursday, June 04, 2009


Hey everyone!

Did you guys notice my new background?

Well if you wanna know where I got it .
I got it from......
it is awesome!
It's also free!

Bug Bites....

Don't you just hate bug bites?
Well weather if you like it or not,
i'm going to be ranting about bug bites!!
I know what you might ask,
BUG BITES? Yes it is a wierd topic.
But I have nothing else to write about so, please, if you have any idea, tell me!
Bug bites
I hate bug bites.
They make you all itchy, and red.
For those people who are stupid enough
to keep on scratching them ( like me..yes i know I called myself stupid)
Well you know what will happen?
That's right!
it's going to turn into a bubble, filled with puss and some kind of water.
Well that's what happen to Artsy.
Well one day, Artsy, My sister, My uncle, Artsy's brother, and me
played baseball outside.
I was the catcher.
I had to go on the grass.
And every time my uncle threw it to low,
it would go pass me and I would fall (Yes, i'm a klutz)
And then well this is kinda off topic,
but my uncle threw the ball and it bounced off my glove
and hit my nose. (IT HURTS)
Anyways, when we got inside my leg was all red!
I tried putting water on it, NOT a good idea!
it started to sting!
So I started to scratch it for a "while".
And then it started to go into a bubble!
Did I tell you I like to pick at scars?
So I started to pick at it and puss, water, and blood came out!
So NEVER scratch a bug bite!
(Sorry for being off topic at the end)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Have YOu Heard?

Hey guys!
I was wondering if you've heard the song,
"Habanera" by kate nash.
If you have isn't it awesome?
If you haven't here is the link to it!
Listen to it!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Hey Lovableladybug readers!
This is lovable speaking,
I just wanted to tell everyone
to go check out my other blog called.....
Here it is:
Check it out!!!!
Addition Details
(Never Mind, I have "deleted" it)